by communication | Sep 18, 2023 | Latest News
Saxum International Foundation and Claret Publications (Hong Kong) have reached an agreement to distribute a special edition of ‘In the Footprints of Our Faith’ (the English translation of ‘Huellas de nuestra fe’) throughout various countries...
by communication | Aug 14, 2023 | Latest News
Mount Carmel, being the only promontory on the coast, is the first visual contact with the Holy Land for anyone arriving by sea. The books of the Old Testament mention Mount Carmel several times, always emphasizing its prominent position or fertility. In the Song of...
by communication | Aug 14, 2023 | Latest News
The people of Israel viewed wisdom as a means of communicating with Yahweh. Devout Jews used not only the Torah but also the Psalms, the Book of Proverbs, and the other wisdom writings in their prayers. Unlike the objective culture of Greece and Rome, they addressed...
by communication | Aug 14, 2023 | Latest News
Shalom! Shalom! Let me tell you there’s no better way to experience the Holy Land than during the weeks I have spent at the Saxum Visitor Center. I arrived at the start of Holy Week and was able to join the crowds on Palm Sunday and witness thousands of locals and...
by communication | Jul 13, 2023 | Latest News
The most important building in Jerusalem during the times of Jesus was its temple. The building, having been expanded by Herod, was built on an elevated surface, of near rectangular shape, more than five hundred meters in length and three hundred meters in width. That...