Deborah and Barak

Deborah and Barak

Yet another biblical story on Mount Tabor… The first major event in the history of the Bible which took place in the surroundings of Mount Tabor was the victory of Deborah and Barak in their battle against the Canaanites.  Before Israel became a monarchy, their...
Christian sites: an option for local tourists

Christian sites: an option for local tourists

Travelling is not that easy this summer due to the pandemic restrictions. Therefore, local tourism has boosted. Israel has not been an exception and this situation has strengthened the trend of Israelis visiting the Christian sites in their country.   Haaretz, a local...
Post-Covid19 tour guide course

Post-Covid19 tour guide course

Wednesday June 10, Saxum Visitor Center staff received a group of tour guides after reopening of museums and similar institutions in Israel was allowed. All of them with masks and keeping the security distance, they had the multimedia tour and a course of the Israeli...
Shavuot and Pentecost

Shavuot and Pentecost

The connections between the two holidays Shavuot is the Jewish feast day which commemorates that God gave the Ten Commandments of the Law to Moses in Mount Sinai, after the people of Israel fled from Egypt. That is why it takes place seven weeks after Passover, the...