The Two Genealogies of the Savior

The Two Genealogies of the Savior

Christmas is approaching and we will once again relive the birth of Jesus. Looking back at the accounts of Saint Matthew and Saint Luke, one particular question proves difficult to understand: Why do the genealogies of Jesus presented by the two evangelists not match?...
Hanukkah: “The Festival of Lights”

Hanukkah: “The Festival of Lights”

Hanukkah, in Hebrew, means “dedication” or “inauguration.” The expression “hanukkat-bayt” is used, for example, to refer to a housewarming celebration. For over 2,000 years, Jews have celebrated Hanukkah on the 25th of Kislev a...
The First Prophets

The First Prophets

The word “prophet” comes from the Greek profetes, derived from the verb pro-femi, meaning “to speak forth” or “to speak on behalf of another,” especially on behalf of the divine. This is a faithful translation of the Hebrew term...
Sukkot: The Festival of Booths

Sukkot: The Festival of Booths

With the week of Sukkot—the Festival of Booths, Cabanas, or Tabernacles—the cycle of holidays for the month of Tishrei (September/October) in the Jewish lunar calendar comes to an end. In Jesus’ time, as well as today, this was one of the major festivals,...
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