The Holy Sepuchre remains silent

The Holy Sepuchre remains silent

It’s Friday, 3.00 pm. The sun heats up the Old City of Jerusalem announcing that the end of spring is close. Under the blue masks your own breathing is like an oven for your face. No wonder why many people wear them under their chin if the place is not very crowded....
Going back to Galilee

Going back to Galilee

When Jesus appeared to the women, he told them: “Go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee”. That is why we find Peter and the others fishing in the lake as they used to do before. Galilee is the region in which Jesus lived most of his life, working in Nazareth first,...
Hosanna! Following Jesus To Jerusalem

Hosanna! Following Jesus To Jerusalem

In the footsteps of Jesus’ triumphant entry from Bethphage to the Old City. Ten days after I arrived in Israel, I found myself singing “Hosanna”, along with thousands of Christians, in the ancient village of Bethphage. In Bethphage, there is a church that commemorates...
HLD Talks 2020: “A lot depends on us”

HLD Talks 2020: “A lot depends on us”

Puede que hayas oído hablar de los TED Talks, pero no de los HLD Talks.  En esta edición de Holy Land Dialogues (HLD), a petición popular, los participantes pudieron oír hablar de Tierra Santa a aquellos que la conocen mejor: empresarios, periodistas,...
You’ve never lived anywhere like this

You’ve never lived anywhere like this

“The center of the world,” some call it. For others, “a city in transit” or “a meeting of strangers”. The always restless Holy Land, the Promised Land… Jerusalem. Eternal Jerusalem. For me, it’s not so much a place as a...