by webdeveloper | Feb 25, 2019 | Latest News, Uncategorized
Last week our Communications Director, Gabriela, was interviewed by the Arabic-language magazine of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land. This was the first ever interview in Arabic about the multimedia tour at the Saxum Visitor Center, which has already been seen...
by webdeveloper | Feb 25, 2019 | Latest News, Uncategorized
Last week the Saxum Visitor Center had the opportunity to take part in IMTM 2019, the 25th annual international tourism exhibition, held in Tel Aviv. Featuring exhibitors from the tourism market both in Israel and overseas, the IMTM (International Mediterranean...
by webdeveloper | Feb 20, 2019 | Latest News, Uncategorized
For the first time, a group of Saxum Advisors from around the world met at Saxum to brainstorm on how best to bring the Holy Land closer to their own countries. Taking advantage of the presence of some Saxum Advisors at the inauguration of the Visitor Center, Saxum...
by webdeveloper | Feb 12, 2019 | Latest News, Uncategorized
On Thursday, February 7, 2019, the Saxum Visitor Center in Abu Ghosh officially opened. Yariv Levin, the Minister of Tourism of Israel, and Msgr. Giacinto Marcuzzo, Auxiliary Bishop of Jerusalem were present, in addition to around 130 participants. Mr. Levin said, “I...
by webdeveloper | Jan 21, 2019 | Latest News, Uncategorized
This month Saxum traveled to Portugal to present the Visitor Center to Portuguese travel agencies. The Israeli Tourism Seminars organised by EL AL are an innovative way of engaging global tour agencies with tourism in the Holy Land. This month, we at Saxum Visitor...
by webdeveloper | Dec 22, 2018 | Latest News, Uncategorized
This past Wednesday, December 19, members of Saxum’s staff attended Israel’s Ministry of Tourism yearly Christmas party, in which the Minister of Tourism (Yariv Levin) invites Christian authorities and other who work in Christian tourism industry to a holiday...