Mary Queen of the Universe

Mary Queen of the Universe

On the last Sunday of October, the invocation “Mary Queen of the Holy Land” is venerated in Jerusalem, which this year is celebrated on October 29th.  This feast was confirmed by St. John Paul II on January 24, 1994. Mary has been venerated as the Queen of...
The Good and Bad Fish in the Sea of Galilee

The Good and Bad Fish in the Sea of Galilee

Among the parables of the Kingdom of Heaven, preached from the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus explains one easily understandable to the lake’s fishermen: ” The kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of...
Holy Land Dialogues Returns!

Holy Land Dialogues Returns!

Approximately three and a half years ago, participants in the third edition of Holy Land Dialogues (HLD) were flying back to their respective countries just days before borders around the world closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Historically, neither distances,...
Mary’s discerning knowledge of wisdom

Mary’s discerning knowledge of wisdom

The people of Israel viewed wisdom as a means of communicating with Yahweh. Devout Jews used not only the Torah but also the Psalms, the Book of Proverbs, and the other wisdom writings in their prayers. Unlike the objective culture of Greece and Rome, they addressed...