Emmaus Trail, a Guidebook

May 16, 2022

Emmaus Trail, a Guidebook has been finally published. We hope that many pilgrims and hikers will enjoy the experience of discovering all the historical, archaeological and biblical sites that can be found along the way. 

The way is inspired by the Gospel of Luke, which describes how the risen Jesus appeared to two of his disciples that were walking from Jerusalem to their village. The Emmaus Trail is a hiking path starting at Saxum Visitor Center, in Abu Ghosh (on the road to Nataf) and ending at the monastery of Emmaus Nicopolis. The whole track is 20 kilometers long and can be completed in a range of five to six hours of walking. 

“The Emmaus Trail invites people to walk in search of spiritual pastures, along a path of biblical memories, a path of stories of courage, determination and faith”

Foreword by Yisca Harani

Part of today’s route was more than two thousand years ago a Roman road that connected Jerusalem with Jaffa’s seaport. Along the way, some interesting archaeological sites can be found, such as a couple of fortresses, Roman milestones, an ancient winepress, a Roman pool, and two monolithic tombs.

Henri Gourinard, the author, is a licensed tour guide in Israel and also a lecturer in historical geography and ancient Near Eastern history at the Polis Institute. Emmaus Trail, a Guidebook has been published both by Polis Institute Press and Saxum Visitor Center, where you can buy a printed copy for 60₪. 

“Their eyes were opened because Jesus prepared them for that moment, walking and speaking with them over the course of a whole day. So, why not live the pilgrimage ‘on the way’?” 

Preface by Henri Gourinard
