Interview with Issa Anis Kassissieh: Santa in the Holy Land

Nov 21, 2024

Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you became known as Santa Claus the ambassador in the Ho Ho Holy Land?

Issa Anis Kassissieh: My father used to be our Santa Claus at home every Christmas season to make us happy.   I grew up in the Old City of Jerusalem and have always been deeply connected to the community here.  About fifteen years ago, I found his Santa suit in his closet. So, I put it on for fun and then magic happened: my family and friends loved it when I went to the Jaffa Gate with them.  So, I decided to continue with my family tradition for Christmas time.  I decided to embody the spirit of Santa Claus to bring joy and hope to the people in Jerusalem. I cherish it, and see it as a way to spread love and unity in this diverse and historic city.

Santa Claus in the Holy Land

Santa Claus in the Holy Land

One day in 2016, I received a call from the Charles W Howard Santa Claus School, inviting me to be a student in one of their “formal Santa Program”. It was a wonderful experience, I learned even more about this special role, doing it from my heart.  After this, little by little, I was able to build this “small Santa’s house” in the Old City with the kitchen, workshop, dining room, and my chair.

How do people in Jerusalem, given its rich and varied religious background, react to seeing Santa Claus in their midst?

Issa: The reactions are overwhelmingly positive. Jerusalem is a city where different religions and cultures intersect, and the figure of Santa Claus, who embodies the spirit of giving and joy, is warmly received. People from all backgrounds—Christians, Muslims, Jews—enjoy the festive spirit and the message of peace and goodwill that Santa represents.  Many parents call me to say “thanks for helping my kid….”  It is a great mission for me to help others.

Can you describe some of the activities and events you participate in as Santa Claus in Jerusalem?

Issa: As Santa, I participate in a variety of events, especially during the Christmas season, when I enter Jerusalem on my camel. This includes visiting schools, hospitals, and community centers, where I distribute gifts and spread cheer. One of the highlights is the annual Christmas parade in the Old City, where we have caroling, festive decorations, and a lot of interaction with the local community and visitors. It’s a time when the city truly comes alive with the spirit of the season.

Santa´s house in the Old City, Jerusalem

Santa´s house in the Old City, Jerusalem

What has been the most memorable experience you’ve had as Santa Claus in Jerusalem?

Issa: There have been many memorable moments, but one that stands out is visiting the children at the local hospitals. The joy and excitement on their faces when Santa walks in are indescribable. It reminds me of the profound impact a simple gesture of kindness can have. Another memorable experience is seeing families from different backgrounds coming together during the parades and events, sharing in the festive spirit and promoting a sense of unity and peace, when I come into Jerusalem on a camel each year.

Santa Claus with kids from Jerusalem

Santa Claus with kids from Jerusalem

Also, in 2020, I invited all the Santas in the world to do a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and they enjoyed this trip a lot. We did several parades in Nazareth, Galilee, etc. I hope to have another similar opportunity soon. Many are hoping to come again to the Holy Land to learn more about the land where Jesus lived.

What message do you hope to convey through your role as Santa Claus in such a historically and culturally significant city?

Issa: My primary message is one of love, peace, and unity. Jerusalem is a city with a deep and complex history, and it’s important to find common ground and celebrate our shared humanity. Through the figure of Santa Claus, I hope to bring a sense of joy and togetherness, reminding everyone that despite our differences, we can all come together in the spirit of giving and goodwill. It’s about creating moments of happiness and fostering a sense of community. I will open my Santa’s house every Christmas season, and I am certain it will make my visitors and me very happy.

Working as Santa Claus in Jerusalem is truly inspiring. It’s an honor to be able to spread joy and happiness in this beautiful city. I am Christian, so for me, Jesus is the true reason for Christmas; and Santa Claus, whose figure is rooted among the Cristian saints*, is a great example of the gift of Jesus to all humanity at his birth.  Merry Christmas and happy New year to everyone!

 (*St. Nicholas of Bari, feast December 6th.)

Santa Claus on his camel in the Holy Land

Santa Claus on his camel in the Holy Land

Ho Ho Holy Land!

House of Santa Claus, Old City Jerusalem

House of Santa Claus, Old City Jerusalem
