Meet the Saxum Advisors

Feb 20, 2019

For the first time, a group of Saxum Advisors from around the world met at Saxum to brainstorm on how best to bring the Holy Land closer to their own countries.

Taking advantage of the presence of some Saxum Advisors at the inauguration of the Visitor Center, Saxum Foundation held its first international workshop for these pioneers, in bringing the Holy Land closer to people around the world in the spirit of Saxum. Advisors from Spain, the United States, Italy, Ireland, Singapore, and the Philippines were present.

On Friday, February 8, the workshop began with a special Mass in the Visitor Center to bless the chapel and altar. We are eagerly anticipating the official blessing of the entire Visitor Center which will take place on Friday, March 1, with the Apostolic Administrator of Jerusalem, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa.

After the Mass, Carla Vassallo, Rosalinda Corbi and Javier Gazulla, board members of Saxum Foundation, gave presentations on the role of Saxum Advisors, and on the 3rd upcoming Holy Land Dialogues in 2020. Mauricio Pecorilla, vice president of Amici di Saxum Italia, represented the first association of Friends of Saxum started by Advisors in a country. He shared Italy’s experiences of founding an association of Friends of Saxum, and how they organize and promote pilgrimages to the Holy Land.

After a coffee break, Advisors brainstormed about how to best bring the Holy Land closer to people in their countries. They shared ideas about organizing pilgrimages for young people, young professionals, and families.

Before returning to their home countries, many of the Advisors visited some of the Holy Sites together, such as the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the sea of Galilee, and Nazareth.
