Memories of HLD

Jan 18, 2017

How can I complain of the daily difficulties in traffic? 

The organization alone made me so proud for these people who did it. My friend companion said, she would have not expected less.
The family atmosphere was so palpable, the care each participant of our group and the others, too, gave to each and everyone unbelievable, some will say, but the whole group was one big family.
The singing of the Adeste Fideles in the church and the Silent Night. It was so easy to imagine, rather, be part of the scene in Bethlehem. St. Josemaria always taught us to be part of the scene.

There it was so easy to accompany the Holy Family in thoughts, but to experience where they travelled.

How did they do that? We walked and travelled by bus through those hilly and dusty places. What sacrifice, untold, of these Holy Family and of course, the Apostles too. How can I complain of the daily difficulties in traffic?
Saxum will definitely play a big role in the dialogues among all people of all races and creeds. The people invited showed how all the rest of the world can contribute to the unification of believers. It is so moving to see the speakers on the stage, of different backgrounds, religion,and professional work, ready to put all in the service of unity and peace.
The experience was life changing for sure.

Carmen Frim

I knew a little of what to expect. This trip, however, far exceeded my expectations

I was in the Holy Land in 2010 on a week long course based in Jerusalem. I therefore knew a little of what to expect, and had of course been to a lot of the Holy Places before. This trip, however, far exceeded my expectations.

We were part of a wonderful group of 21 Irish, 8 from USA (some originally from Mexico) 2 from Philippines, 2 from Holland, 2 from Poland, 2 from Nigeria (living in USA) and 1 from the Czech Republic all of whom got on famously with each other. There wasn’t an awkward moment or an ounce of negativity from anyone!

With regard to the actual Holy Land Dialogues, the sessions were both interesting and inspiring, especially the one on Wednesday 9th November by Eric Cohen on Personal Transformation in the Holy Places.

Pat Hanratty

Just standing in Saxum with a feeling of joy and a sense of gratitude that Our Father and Don Alvaro’s dream was coming to fruition in front of our eyes, and that we would be part of the very first event there.

We were made feel very welcome

The warm reception we received when we arrived at Saxum for the first time is something I really appreciate. We know it was under difficult circumstances as the centre was far from complete and the work was on going. Yet we were made feel very welcome.

Driving through the hills to the scene of the visitation, bearing in mind that Mary passed through those hills on her way to visit her cousin Elizabeth, was very special. The Magnificat on the walls in several languages, and the recitation of same in Irish and English is very memorable.

It was a remarkable week.

Valerie Nestor
