Post-Covid19 tour guide course

Jun 16, 2020

Wednesday June 10, Saxum Visitor Center staff received a group of tour guides after reopening of museums and similar institutions in Israel was allowed. All of them with masks and keeping the security distance, they had the multimedia tour and a course of the Israeli Ministry of Tourism led by Dr. Yisca Harani. She lectured about the Corpus Christi, a Catholic feast day that was taking place the following Sunday.

She also talked about the meaning of Kiryat Yearim and the Ark of the Covenant for Christians. Harani was joined by Henri Gourinard, lecturer at Polis Jerusalem Institute, who talked about the Emmaus Trail. Both sites, Kyriat Yearim and the EmmausTrail are located near Saxum Visitor Center, in Abu Gosh, and are related to events of the life of King David the first one and Jesus’ life the second.
