Saxum in Portugal: The Israeli Tourism Seminars

Jan 21, 2019

This month Saxum traveled to Portugal to present the Visitor Center to Portuguese travel agencies.

The Israeli Tourism Seminars organised by EL AL are an innovative way of engaging global tour agencies with tourism in the Holy Land. This month, we at Saxum Visitor Center – represented by our business manager Manuel Cimadevilla – were delighted to have been part of the 3-day event taking place in Lisbon, Porto, and Coimbra.

Presenting to more than 130 Portuguese travel agencies, Manuel had the opportunity to put Saxum on the map, explaining why it is a special place to visit when traveling to the Holy Land. He highlighted the key features of the Visitor Center and how it enables tourists to assimilate everything they have learned about the Holy Places. This brought to light one of the key messages of the seminar – the importance of looking at the past, present and the future when examining the area of religious tourism – a concept which is especially true in the Holy Land.

Manuel was also able to announce our official opening on 7th February and to speak about our work on the Emmaus Trail.

To read coverage in Portuguese by local agencies of Manuel’s trip, see here.

