by communication | May 16, 2022 | Latest News
Emmaus Trail, a Guidebook has been finally published. We hope that many pilgrims and hikers will enjoy the experience of discovering all the historical, archaeological and biblical sites that can be found along the way. The way is inspired by the Gospel of Luke,...
by webdeveloper | Jun 16, 2020 | Latest News
Wednesday June 10, Saxum Visitor Center staff received a group of tour guides after reopening of museums and similar institutions in Israel was allowed. All of them with masks and keeping the security distance, they had the multimedia tour and a course of the Israeli...
by webdeveloper | Apr 4, 2019 | Latest News, Uncategorized
This April, Saxum Visitor Center was thrilled to be able to fulfill one of its longtime goals: to host a course for tour guides as part of the continuing education program of the Ministry of Tourism. Every year, tour guides have to take a day-long course to update...