The New Year 2023-2024 at Saxum Visitor Center

Jan 26, 2024

Dear friends,

As many of you know, in mid-October 2023 we decided to close the Visitor Center. With the onset of the war, the uncertainty in the development of events was great, and part of the staff left the country.

During this painful time, we have received messages from all over the world praying for peace in the Holy Land; we have felt great support and are thankful for all the prayers and messages of closeness and affection.

By the end of November 2023, seeing that the situation in Jerusalem and its surrounding areas was returning to normal, we decided to reopen our doors. Since then, we have welcomed various groups of visitors, including tour guides and local people. In December, we received a visit for the first time from a delegation from the Russian Orthodox Church of the Trinity Monastery in Jerusalem.

We hope that 2024 will be a year full of serenity and wisdom for each of you and your loved ones, and we also trust that peace will return to the Holy Land.

Carols that Connect

Thanks to the creativity, dedication, and generosity of Anna Escala, Montse Tarradellas, Elisabeth Eckart, and Maite Aranzabal, great artists and friends of Saxum, we were able to wish you a musical Merry Christmas. The images of the Holy Land accompanied by their voices and instruments brought to life three carols that we shared with the whole world through our YouTube channel.

The production took place in Barcelona and unfolded over a full day, during which the artists shared moments of humor and anecdotes. Once again, the harmony of their voices and instruments moved us.

With this project, we wanted the music to transcend geographical borders and reach every corner of the world. These carols were not just songs but a virtual connection with the places that formed the route of the Holy Family: Nazareth, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem. Thus, our followers were able to embark on an exciting journey, experiencing the contemporary sights of the lands where the Holy Family trod.

Christmas Recital with Álvaro Siviero and Conversation about the Holy Places

The renowned pianist Álvaro Siviero offered an “Online Christmas Recital” from Brazil. The initiative included a conversation with Holy Land historian and tour guide expert, Henri Gourinard. In his presentation, Prof. Gourinard described the alternative routes available to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and detailed the one that the Holy Family would most likely choose. He also brought us closer to the Temple of Jerusalem and to the episodes of Jesus’s childhood related to it.

The collaboration between Álvaro Siviero and the Saxum Visitor Center took us to Brazil, and we hope that this initiative, resulting from the union of music and solidarity, has served to promote the Holy Land in that part of the American continent. From here, we experienced it as a beacon of hope and global interaction.

We are grateful for the contribution of this prestigious pianist; for in these times of special difficulty, which include great economic hardship, chose to donate the entire receipts from the recital to Saxum. We hope that this collaboration will inspire other gestures of support and solidarity in this new year.

Many of you ask how you can contribute to the Saxum project. Please note that, as of this month, it is possible to make donations through our website

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Saxum Staff
